prerogative|prerogatives in English


[pre·rog·a·tive || prɪ'rɑgətɪv /-'rɒg-]

right, privilege; preferential privilege of a particular group; special individual advantage or privilege; special quality that gives superiority; preemptive privilege or right

Use "prerogative|prerogatives" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "prerogative|prerogatives" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "prerogative|prerogatives", or refer to the context using the word "prerogative|prerogatives" in the English Dictionary.

1. The tsar protected his personal prerogatives.

2. Arriving late is a woman's prerogative .

3. Congress has the prerogative to raise taxes.

4. Again, this is not only a woman's prerogative.

5. What exactly is a woman's prerogative?

6. The governor has the prerogative to free prisoners.

7. State's tenacious struggle for prerogative multiplied his suspicions.

8. They also developed prerogative orders and Habeas Corpus.

9. A monarch has the prerogative of pardoning criminals.

10. It's a woman's prerogative to change her mind.

11. If you want to leave early, that's your prerogative.

12. Constitutional changes are exclusively the prerogative of the parliament.

13. The prerogatives of people like Dick Cheney do not keep the nation safe.

14. Education was once the prerogative of the elite.

15. President may use his prerogative of mercy towards a criminal.

16. 13 Changing her mind is often jokingly called a women's prerogative.

17. The monarch retains largely formal prerogatives, exercising executive authority through the Council of Ministers.

18. Evangelism was the prerogative and the duty of every Church member. . . .

19. In many countries education is still the prerogative of the rich.

20. Synonyms for Birthrights include heritage, patrimonies, inheritance, rights, dues, bequests, legacies, primogeniture, privilege and prerogatives

21. Synonyms for Apanages include birthrights, appanages, prerogatives, rights, franchise, authorization, entitlement, privilege, authorisations and liberty

22. 7 synonyms for Appanage: birthright, perquisite, prerogative, right, droit, apanage, apanage

23. The Royal prerogatives are: The power to appoint and dismiss the prime minister.

24. But while! exercising the prerogatives of superpower, he never seemed to recognise the true extent of its responsibilities.

25. The Prime Minister exercised his prerogative to decide when to call an election.